Saturday, May 22, 2010

Learning Jquery

The major part of the project is to use Jquery in SWM extensions. I am currently in Jquery learning phase. I must say jquery has made developers life a lot easy. I am following an ebook by Jonathan Chaffer and Karl Swedberg (Learnig Jquery 1.3) ..Excellent book with great examples. You can get the sample code files for each chapters here ( . There are a lot of good web-sites that provide nice tutorial for Jquery. like .
Main questions with the project that are ahead us are
1) With MW 1.16 coming with Jquery, should we use it(jquery) internally or use it from internet or provide a separate copy for SMW itself ?

2) Choosing a right plugin of jquery for floatbox purpose.I am considering this , but not finalize yet.
The feature that we require is that floatbox should be able to display html pages.

Gsoc starts tomorrow..Good luck to me :-)

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