Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Gsoc project "Javascript overhaul of Semantic MediaWiki" MidTerm Status

In the Semantic MediaWiki extension:
* change Special:Ask to use jQuery and add autocompletion to the top two input windows
Completed, But as of now because of Syntax constraints, autocomplete is only added to add_property window
In semanticResultsFormat
* adding jqplot to SRF , which uses JqPlot to replace Google Bar and Google Pie
In the Semantic Forms extension:
* add a jQuery-based library like jqGrid for editing multiple-instance templates
* change the file-upload window to use jQuery instead of the Floatbox library
* change autocompletion to use jQuery instead of YUI
* make 'Special:CreateTemplate' and 'Special:CreateClass' pages more dynamic, using jQuery

In the Semantic Drilldown extension:
* change the 'combobox' input to use jQuery instead of ext
In progress! Basic functionality is done, require some modifications

In the Semantic Forms Inputs extension
* change the 'combobox' input to use jQuery instead of YUI, and possibly add it directly in to Semantic Forms
In progress! Basic functionality is done, require some modifications
No thoughts of adding to SF at this point.
* change the 'datepicker' input to use jQuery

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